Exploding Whale Video - Watch Online

Watch Exploding Whale Video - A british powered documentery titled as “The Whale that Exploded in the Street” will be airing in the United States (USA) on Date/Time 2008 December 13 (8pm) and 15 (8am) on the National Geographic Channal (NatGeo) under the title "The Whale that Exploded".

According to the Official site of Exploding Whale, TheExplodingWhale.com :
The documentary explores the explosion of a 50-ton sperm whale carcass that was being transported through the Taiwan city of Tainan on a flatbed truck in January 2004. The explosion flooded a city street with gallons of blood and piles of intestines.
Now watch the old video of Exploding Whale below from Youtube.com and Check ot some Images of Exploding Whale.I will surely post the latest Video of Exploding Whale when Its been air.

Watch Exploding Whale Video:

Pics/Photos of Exploding Whale:

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